Could a Seatbelt Save You in an Orlando Bus Accident?

Blanch Associates in New York has created a product called SafeHarness, which will be the first personal seatbelt for passengers on motor coach buses, according to WatchList News. Blanch is currently attempting to raise $50,000 in capital to give motor coach and bus companies a variety of options to equip their vehicles with.

“Our motivation from the beginning has been to save lives,” said SafeHarness Co-Founder Blake McCauley. “Every day you hear of a new motor coach accident where they roll over or they roll on their sides and masses of people are hurt or killed. So, if we can keep them in their seats, their chances are much greater to survive and avoid injuries. With SafeHarness, the first and only personal, portable seatbelt, our main concern and primary goal is to save lives and give people the choice in this basic seatbelt safety during motor coach travel.”

There are currently no laws requiring motor coaches and buses to provide seatbelts to passengers. Would you be more likely to select a motor coach or bus for you and your family if it was equipped with seatbelts, as opposed to one that did not provide them?

Please contact our firm today at (800) 383-7853 if you or a loved one has been injured in an Orlando bus accident.

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