Automobile Accident Settles For $125,000

Attorney Daniel VillalobosAuthor: Attorney Daniel Villalobos

Our Client Is Struck On The Drivers Side Of Her Vehicle

Our client, a middle aged woman and mother of two, was driving her car home from work. Suddenly and without warning, a commercial truck changed lanes and struck our client. The impact was so great that our client veered off the road and struck a guardrail. Her car then proceeded to spin clockwise several times until it jumped over a curb and landed on a nearby sidewalk and grass. Our client was absolutely stunned that such an impact could occur in a split second and without any warning or time to prepare for the crash. Not knowing what to do she immediately called the Miami Automobile Accident Attorneys Dell & Schaefer. Our firm quickly signed up the case and began zealously representing her interests.

Our Client Undergoes medical Treatment

After the accident, our client underwent an intense physical therapy regimen with a local chiropractor. Fortunately the chiropractor was trained in neurology and was able to offer our client excellent medical care. The MRI showed a paracentral herniation which impinged on the nerve roots in her cervical spine. Because she had positive MRI findings, the chiropractor sent our client for an orthopedic evaluation. The orthopedic surgeon recommended surgery to repair the damage to her cervical spine. Because the client still had radicular pain in her upper and lower extremities, our client decided to undergo the procedure.

Dell & Schaefer Negotiate A Settlement

Immediately after the surgery our firm filed an injury claim with the commercial company’s insurance carrier. Our firm sought monetary damages for bodily injury, aggravation of preexisting condition, pain and suffering, loss of consortium, disability, mental anguish, property damage, past and future medical expenses, lost wages, and impairment of ability to earn future wages. After a lengthy negotiation process the case settled for $125,000. Our client was absolutely thrilled that our firm vigorously negotiated this case and got her the maximum recovery under the law.

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