Automobile accident that required small plastic surgery procedure settles for $140,000

Attorney Daniel VillalobosAuthor: Attorney Daniel Villalobos

Client Gets Into An Automobile Accident

Our client, a mid-fifties woman from the beautiful island of Puerto Rico, was sitting at a traffic light when another car lost control and struck her. She was actually one of eight cars that were struck in the same accident. The impact was so great, that the accident caused the air bags to deploy and strike our client in the face. The force of the airbag caused our client to develop serious bruising under her eyes as well as sustain injuries to her forehead, neck, and back. Not knowing what to do, a friend recommended to our client to call the Multi Car Automobile Accident Attorneys Dell and Schaefer. Our firm quickly took the case and began the process of zealously representing our client’s interests.

Our Client Undergoes Plastic Surgery

As a result of the accident, our client developed a fluid buildup in her forehead. A plastic surgeon was forced to drain the fluid from her forehead. The procedure was done in a surgery center under general anesthesia. The procedure also left our client with a tic-tac-toe board style of scar above her left eye.

Dell and Schaefer Negotiate A Settlement

Because there were eight cars struck in the accident, there were about eighteen claims pending against the insurance company for the tortfeasor. At the global settlement conference, each individual and their attorneys pleaded their case in front of the insurance company for reimbursement for their injuries. Our client suffered the most serious injuries requiring surgery. After a lengthy negotiation, our firm settled the case for $140,000. It is important to note that although our firm was not made aware of how much each other case settled for, the mediator informed us that our firm recovered the highest amount out of all eighteen claims presented that day. Our client was ecstatic that out of eighteen claims, she had the best attorneys representing her.

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