Broward Slip & Fall Attorneys Earn $20,000 Settlement from Walgreens
After you’ve slipped and fallen in a store or other public place, you may not immediately get medical treatment. After all, you may not believe initially that you are badly injured. You may be in a state of shock, and the adrenaline in your body may prevent you from feeling the full extent of your injuries immediately.
In the case that you do not immediately get medical treatment after a fall, you may feel like there is no point in your pursuing a personal injury case. After all, it may feel inevitable that the defense will poke holes in your lack of immediate treatment and thereby sink your case.
Nevertheless, this will not necessarily be the outcome. The following story illustrates the point.
Fort Lauderdale Slip & Fall Results in Back and Knee Injuries
Our client was a 57-year-old mother of two. At the time of her accident, she was shopping in a Walgreens Drug Store. As she was perusing the store, our client walked down an isle that had been recently waxed. Unfortunately, the wax hadn’t been properly removed after the cleaning. Our client’s foot encountered the wax and she crashed to the ground. Our client badly injured her back and knee.
After falling, our client decided that she was going to try to “push through” the injury. Even though she was experiencing pain, our client decided that she would not immediately seek medical treatment. She went home and tried to go on with her life.
In the next couple of days, our client’s injuries became much more severe. It got to the point that our client decided she absolutely needed medical attention. Six days after the accident, our client reported to the office of an orthopedic surgeon in the area. The doctor diagnosed our client with a back strain and internal knee derangement. Our client was given pain killing medications and placed on a strict physical therapy regimen. As a result of the accident, our client was forced to go to physical therapy several times a week for months on end.
Fort Lauderdale Slip & Fall Lawyers Dell and Schaefer Resolve Case for $20,000
While getting treatment, our client considered pursuing a personal injury case. However, she feared that her delayed treatment might prevent her from pursuing such a case.
In spite of her fear, our client decided to contact the Fort Lauderdale Slip & Fall Attorneys at Dell and Schaefer. We told our client that her case was still worth pursuing. Our client hired us, and we began to litigate her case.
We argued to the defense attorneys that our client had only not gotten immediate medical treatment because she was in a state of shock after the fall. Her injuries didn’t fully manifest themselves until a couple of days after the accident.
We also argued to the defense attorneys that our client was the mother of two teenage children. Our client was very involved in her children’s lives and activities. After the accident, her relationship with her children became much more limited. She could not participate in their activities as she used to do.
The arguments worked. We were able to settle our client’s case for $20,000. Our client was very pleased. Even though she hadn’t received medical treatment until six days after the accident, she now had a settlement for $20,000.
This ended up being a very successful story. Similarly situated clients are not always so lucky. If you slip and fall in a store or public place and you are injured, make sure that you obtain medical treatment immediately. Don’t decide to postpone such treatment. Doing so can allow defense attorneys to later argue that you weren’t injured in the first place. After a slip and fall, obtain medical treatment promptly and then call the attorneys at Dell & Schaefer. We will maximize the recovery in your case.
The sliding door closed on me at Walgreen’s. Bruising my sternum severely. There were 2 employees that were standing right there and one of them said “Oh that happened before.” what do you think this may be worth? I am in Wisconsin. Thank you for your kindness. Mark Pare’
The value of the case depends on the severity of your injury and the recovery that you make. We can recommend a Wisconsin attorney for you if you would like.
Severe bruise to my sternum. Nothing broken, I had an MRI. My chest is very sore! I would appreciate some direction. Thank you for your kindness.
Please contact us so that we can discuss exactly how you were injured at Walgreens. We need to know the exact details in order to determine if we can assist you.
In Chicago, there was black ice in a Walgreens parking lot not far from the door. Actually in was covering the handicap parking spaces. I slipped and fell HARD! Slightly herniated disk in my lower back, acute sciatica. Treatment is/was physical therapy valium, norco, pretnazone(sp?) and motron.
We will have an attorney contact you to discuss your slip and fall at Walmart in Chicago.
I slipped and fell at a Hotel Resort. The Dr. said I pulled my sciatic nerve. The insurance company wants to settle, but I am not sure a price of 20,000 is good enough.
Without knowing more about your claim, it is impossible for us to tell you if $20,000 is sufficient. Every claim is different so we would need to evaluate your slip and fall case in order to determine if your case is worth more.
My mother slipped and fell because of ice build up in front of a Walgreens store. She hit her head and bruised her tailbone, suffering much pain, at age 91 it takes a while to heal. Walgreens refused to pay her bills. Can you help?
Hi Frank,
When and where did this happen? Were there any witness to the fall or pictures of the scene? Please feel free to call us so we can let you know how we may be able to help.