Client suffers injury while attending mass and recovers $65,000 from the insurance company of the church

Client Goes To Church To Get Forgiven Of Her Sins

Our client, a mid-60s woman, was attending church in Port St. Lucie, Florida. She stepped up onto the altar. The Pastor began a sin-relieving procedure in which he placed his hand on top of her head and began shaking his hand and praying to God to forgive the woman for her sins. As his hand lay flat on her forehead, her body was erect with her arms stretched straight out and away from her body. The pastor had completely captivated her and she obviously lost her inhibition. Things got a little deep and heavy and then our client must have gotten a little too comfortable or deep in prayer, because suddenly and without warning, the pastor gave our client a little shove backwards which caused our client to fall off the altar and suffer neck and back injuries. Her sins may have been forgiven, but her neck and back hurt like the devil!

Client Undergoes Treatment

Immediately after the fall our client was rushed to the hospital. She was treated and released. She followed up with her primary doctor who then referred her to an orthopedic surgeon. The orthopedic surgeon administered injections for pain. Not knowing what else to do, our client called the Church Injury Attorneys Dell & Schaefer. Our firm quickly took the case and opened up a claim with the insurance company for the church.

Dell and Schaefer Negotiate A Settlement

Our firm filed a bodily injury claim with the insurance company for the church. Our firm sought monetary damages for bodily injury, aggravation of a preexisting condition, pain and suffering, loss of consortium, disfigurement, disability, mental anguish, past and future medical expenses, lost wages, and impairment of ability to earn future wages. After a lengthy negotiation, our firm settled the case for $65,000. Our client felt bad filing a claim against the church, but our firm did not collect a single penny from the church. The insurance company for the church paid out the claim.

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