Coral Springs man in powered wheelchair hit by car; Liberty Mutual tenders $50,000.00 policy limit
Our client is an 85 year old man living in a retirement home. He drove a powered medical scooter / wheel chair around town to do errands, visit friends and pick up groceries. One morning he was driving his scooter on a sidewalk at the intersection of Royal Palm Blvd & University Drive in the City of Coral Springs, when a car was exiting the parking lot of a small shopping center. The driver of the car failed to stop at the stop sign before the sidewalk and collided with our client’s scooter, causing him to be thrown to the pavement. Our client was rushed by ambulance to the Emergency Room at North Broward Medical Center where he was treated for fractured ribs, as well as, multiple abrasions to his arm, shoulder and face.
Due to his advanced age and multiple fractured ribs, our client was admitted to the hospital for 3 days for observation. Upon discharge, he received a short course of home therapy, before making a pretty good recovery.
Injured Pedestrian Retains Attorneys Dell & Schaefer To Pursue A Claim For His Injuries
Our client’s daughter, who has power of attorney to handle her father’s affairs, hired
Coral Springs personal injury attorney Dell & Schaefer to represent her father for injuries he sustained in this accident. A claim was brought against Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, the insurer for the owner of the car that struck our client. Liberty Mutual initially argued that although our client sustained bumps and bruises, in addition to 3 fractured ribs, there was no provable permanent injury to our client. After Dell & Schaefer prepared and presented the injury claim to Liberty Mutual carefully documenting the inconvenience pain & suffering endured by our elderly client, they agreed to tender the $50,000.00 policy limit without the need for litigation. Additionally, Liberty Mutual paid $2,700.00 to replace the scooter that was damaged in the accident, as well as, a $10,000.00 no-fault (PIP) benefit which covered most of our client’s hospital bill.
Dell & Schaefer Resolves Injury Case In Less Than 3 Months
Our client’s scooter accident occurred in June. The Property Damage, No Fault, and Bodily Injury claims were all resolved during September of the same year. Our 85 year old client, and his family were grateful that the case was efficiently handled so that he was able to get his scooter back, bills paid and settlement money in hand without having to litigate his case for any extended period.