Dell & Schaefer Settle case for Client that Bit into Hotdog with a Bone inside
Author: Attorney Daniel Villalobos
Client Buys Hot Dogs At A Local Supermarket
Our client, a hard working middle aged woman, went to the supermarket to buy some hot dogs and hamburgers for a family barbecue. She roasted up some savory hot dogs on the grill and served them to the guests. She also decided to have a bite of one herself. However, her experience with this hot dog did not mirror those of her guests. After she bit into the hot dog, suddenly and without warning, our client felt a sharp pain on the left side of her mouth. This pain was followed by blood seeping out as well.
She immediately spit out the food and saw in her hand, the remains of one of her teeth and what looked to be a piece of bone that was lodged in the hot dog. Never before being exposed to defective food products, our client called the Miami Defective Food Attorneys Dell and Schaefer.
Our firm has been through these types of cases many times. It was a no brainer for our firm, we quickly signed up the case and started the process of zealously representing her interests.
Dell and Schaefer Negotiate A Settlement
Our client went to the hospital. The hospital diagnosed her with a multiple broken left rear molars. She was referred to a dentist for repairs. The dentist felt that the client was going to need an implant and referred the client to a periodontist. Our client underwent the implant procedure and the dentist repaired the remaining chipped teeth.
Our firm then sent all of the medical records to the insurance company and demanded a large settlement. After a lengthy negotiation, not only did the insurance company cover all the dental and periodontist repairs, but they also paid our client $25,000 for her pain and suffering. Our client was absolutely ecstatic that she received $25,000, when other attorneys advised her the case didn’t have near that kind of value.
Call us for a free consultation. We do not charge a cost or fee unless we recover money for you.