Hallandale Beach Slip & Fall Lawyers Dell & Schaefer Settle Case for $47,500 In Spite of Pre-Existing Injuries
When you slip & fall in a restaurant or other public place, you may aggravate a pre-existing condition. After all, pre-existing conditions are more prone to injury than are healthy body parts.
Nevertheless, if you do exacerbate a pre-existing condition in a slip & fall accident, don’t automatically think that you can’t bring a personal injury case. People injured due to the fault of others are entitled to compensation for aggravation of pre-existing injuries.
Hallandale Beach Slip & Fall Accident Leads to Knee Injury
Our client was a 63-year-old man. At the time of his accident, he was in a restaurant located in Hallandale Beach. Our client had just picked up his food and begun walking towards his table at the time of his fall. Unfortunately, before he reached his table, our client’s foot encountered a puddle of water on the floor and he crashed to the ground.
After our client fell, a group of customers nearby told him that the water had been on the floor for some time. Apparently, another customer had fallen there around 15-20 minutes before our client’s fall.
Our client left the restaurant and went to the hospital. There, he was given some pain-killing medication, discharged and told to follow up with an orthopedic surgeon.
Our client did just that. Within weeks, he was in the office of an orthopedic surgeon in the area. That Doctor ordered an MRI of our client’s knee. The MRI results revealed that our client would require surgery. Almost immediately, the arthroscopic knee procedure was performed.
Unfortunately, the knee surgery did not completely fix our client’s problems. In the weeks and months after his first knee surgery, our client still continued to experience pain in his knee. At some point, our client’s Doctor determined that a second knee surgery would be necessary. This time, the Doctor performed a total knee replacement, placing permanent hardware in our client’s knee. All of this was clearly not easy for our client, as he had now undergone two separate knee surgeries and experienced much pain and anguish.
Hallandale Beach Slip & Fall Accident Law Firm Dell and Schaefer Settles Case for $47,500
Following his second knee surgery, our client initially didn’t think that he could bring a personal injury case. After all, he had pre-existing injuries in his knee that pre-dated his fall in the restaurant.
Nevertheless, our client made the wise decision to contact the Hallandale Beach Slip & Fall Attorneys at Dell & Schaefer. We took the case and made the argument that, although our client did have pre-existing injuries in his knee, the fall in the restaurant aggravated the condition to the point that he now required two new knee surgeries. Before the fall in the restaurant, our client was not getting any treatment on his knee. He was healed! After the fall, he was in a state of great pain and anguish and consequently required two knee surgeries. The two new knee surgeries were clearly related to the fall.
We also argued that our client had become much less active after the fall. Before the fall, our client was making plans to begin his own business. After the fall, those plans were shelved due to our client’s knee problems and consequent lack of mobility. The fall thus had a terribly detrimental effect on our client’s life.
These arguments helped us to settle our client’s case for $47,500. Our client was happy with the result. Although he once feared that he might not even be able to pursue a personal injury case due to his pre-existing injuries, he now had a settlement of $47,500.
If you aggravate a pre-existing condition in a slip & fall accident, don’t automatically think that you won’t be able to pursue a personal injury case. Contact the Hallandale Beach Slip & Fall Law Firm of Dell & Schaefer, and we will get you the compensation you deserve.