Hialeah Gardens Woman Loses Lengthy Slip and Fall Case with Mauna Loa Investments

A Hialeah Gardens woman recently lost a long court battle over her slip and fall injury. The Hialeah Gardens plaintiff sued Mauna Loa Invesments after her slip and fall at a warehouse she rented. The defendant’s attorney failed to file a timely response to the lawsuit, and the woman won a default judgment.

However, Mauna Loa showed that another entity in Nevada was the rightful owner of the warehouse, so the plaintiff had the cases against both defendants combined into one trial. The woman won over a $1 million verdict, but it does not end there. After a lengthy appeal process, the appellate court overturned the verdict and dismissed the woman’s slip and fall case.

The court said Mauna Loa did not own the warehouse and the trial court’s default judgment was invalid. This unfortunate story shows that slip and fall cases can be extremely complex. These types of cases are suited for experienced litigators who stay focused on the best possible result for their clients.

No matter how complex, the Florida personal injury lawyers at Dell & Schaefer can handle injury cases, including slip and fall injuries. Call our office at (800) 383-7853 to speak with a Florida injury attorney. We handle many of our cases on a contingency fee basis.

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