Miami Rollover Accident

Attorney Daniel VillalobosAuthor: Attorney Daniel Villalobos

Automobile Accident In Miami Florida

Our clients, three lifelong friends who were living in Miami, Florida, decided to take a road trip. Moments after embarking on their journey, another vehicle drove the wrong way on the highway and struck their car head on. The impact was so great that the vehicle they were riding in flipped over three times. Thankfully, nobody was killed in the accident. By the looks of the damage to both vehicles, only divine intervention, and the use of their seatbelts, saved everyone’s lives.

Dell and Schaefer Negotiate A Quick Settlement

Immediately after the accident, the victims hired the Miami Automobile Accident Attorneys Dell and Schaefer. Our firm signed up the case, got the medical records, and immediately fired away a demand letter to the defendant’s insurance company. Our firm sought monetary compensation for bodily injury, pain and suffering, aggravation of a preexisting condition, loss of consortium, disfigurement, disability, mental anguish, property damage, past and future medical expenses, lost wages, and impairment of ability to earn future wages.

The tortfeasor’s insurance company was shocked to learn our firm had filed a bodily injury demand so quickly. However after reading our demand letter, the insurance company realized very quickly how strong of a case we had against their client. Within seven days of filing the bodily injury demand letters, the insurance company tendered out the full policy limits to all the victims in the accident. Our clients were delighted that our firm was aggressive enough to seek the fastest resolution possible.

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