Rearend Collision in Tampa Adajacent to Construction Zone

Our client, a 45 year old school teacher,  was injured in an automobile accident in Tampa Florida on December 14, 2010. He is a married man with one young son. He spends most of his free time with his son, attending birthday parties, sporting events and family functions. At the time of the crash our client was being waived through a construction zone, by a construction site flagman, when the at-fault driver ignored the directions of the flagman and proceeded forward without permission. As a result of the defendant driver’s failure to follow the instructions of the flagman, the accident occurred.

Immediately following the accident, our client was rushed to the emergency room by ambulance. He was required to spend six hours in the hospital going through diagnostic tests needed to assist in determining the cause of his pain. Upon discharge from the hospital he was encouraged to seek follow up medical attention.  

A few days later, our client came under the care of an orthopedic surgeon. After a thorough examination, the doctor prescribed one month of physical therapy. When physical therapy did not provide sufficient relief, our client was encouraged to consider epidural shoots in his lumbar region to relieve the pain he was experiencing. The epidural shots were administered over a 90 day period with some success. Ultimately the patient was determined to have reached maximum medical improvement and assessed a permanent partial disability rating of 8 percent.

Tampa personal injury and accident lawyers, Dell and Schaefer, were able to settle our clients claim for $55,000.00. A claim was not only made against the at-fault driver, but also the construction company that provided the flagman. It was our contention that both the driver of the other vehicle and the construction company shared responsibility in causing the accident.

Once his physician determined that our client had reached maximum medical improvement, we were able to start the process to settle the claim. It took six weeks from the time we sent out demand letters to each defendant before we were able to reach the negotiated settlement. Fortunately, a lawsuit did not have to be filed in this case. This settlement included lost time from work and reduced sick time benefits, as well as, past and future medical expenses and pain and suffering. Dell and Schaefer also resolved all issues related to the car rental and property damage claim.

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