Two Killed in Beverley Hills Motorcycle Accident

A man and woman were killed after being thrown from their bike in a Beverley Hills motorcycle accident, according to the Associated Press.

The couple was traveling in Citrus County when a car suddenly pulled in front of them. They were transported to a hospital, where they died. The driver of the car received a citation for violation of the right of way, but the report did not indicate if they also received more serious criminal charges.

Motorcycle accidents are often caused by the reckless or negligent actions of other drivers. Stories like this make it all too clear that a driver’s blatant disregard for the rules of the road can result in the wrongful deaths of innocent riders. Motorcycles have a right to the road as much as any other motor vehicle.

At the time of the report, no legal action had been filed against the driver who caused the accident. However, the family of the victims may later choose to pursue compensation for the emotional pain and suffering they experienced as a result of their loved one’s deaths.

If you or a loved one suffered harm in a motorcycle accident, contact our office today. We seek to hold negligent drivers responsible for their actions. Call us at (800) 383-7853.

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