How do you prove liability in a four way stop accident?
Author: Attorney Dennis Schaefer
When an automobile accident happens, where both vehicles had a stop sign at an intersection, proving liability can be very difficult. You must investigate all aspects of the accident and assess the evidence. Obviously, having an independent witness makes it all very easy. However, what do you do in a situation where the only witnesses are the two drivers?
In our case our client stopped at the stop sign, looked around and then preceded through the intersection. The other driver went through the stop sign without stopping or slowing down and broadsided our client in the passenger door. However, the offending driver told the police he stopped at the stop sign before proceeding. Without witnesses, the police gave neither party a ticket.
The evidence of the collision was clear. It would have been scientifically impossible for the offending party to have impacted our client’s vehicle with the necessary force to cause the extensive damage to our clients car, if the offending parties car started from a stopped position. Ultimately this evidence prevailed.
Always feel comfortable in calling and allowing Dell & Schaefer to investigate your potential case. There is never any obligation in allowing us to do so.