I rented a truck from Home Depot to move furniture and was rear-ended and injured by another vehicle. If I do not own a car registered in Florida, who will pay my hospital and other medical bills?

Attorney Jay KanterAuthor: Attorney Jay Kanter

Under the Florida No-Fault law, your own AUTO PIP (Personal Injury Protection) coverage will pay 80% of your medical bills if you are involved in an auto accident, regardless of fault. If you do not own a car registered in the state of Florida, and you do not reside with a relative who owns a car, you will be entitled to the PIP coverage from the vehicle you were using. Almost all vehicles registered in Florida are required to carry PIP coverage. In this case you would be entitled to pursue a PIP claim under Home Depot’s policy to get a portion of your medical bills paid.

In addition to your PIP claim, you can bring a claim against the at fault vehicle for any medical expenses not paid under the PIP coverage. You can also be compensated for injuries and pain and suffering under the bodily injury coverage from the vehicle that rear-ended you. If any of the furniture being moved was damaged in the crash, you would have a claim for those damages as well.

If you have been injured in an automobile accident or truck accident, and a rented vehicle is involved in any way, call Attorneys Dell & Schaefer for a free consultation to determine your rights to compensation.

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