Florida Construction Truck Accident Lawyers
Wherever there is an increase in construction, trucks and heavy vehicles of all types follow. These large, cumbersome trucks share the public roads with other drivers. Accidents occur on streets and at construction sites, often leaving victims with severe injuries.
When injured in an accident involving a construction vehicle or other large truck, you need legal protection. Learn your rights and whether you could have a viable damages claim by consulting the law firm of Dell & Schaefer. Based in Hollywood, we have offices throughout Florida and represent clients statewide.
Our successful injury practice is built on quick response and case management. One of our immediate goals in any case like this is accurate identification of those who caused the accident and all sources of liability. We explore options for compensation from the truck driver, contractors, the truck owner and others.
We also investigate why the accident occurred such as improper loading or backing, inattention, disobeying traffic devices or noncompliance with regulations and safety standards.
We understand the impact of injuries on our clients’ lives. Know that with us, you have a team dedicated to pursuing a full and fair compensation of your losses, through settlement or trial.
Our construction truck accident attorneys handle a variety of cases involving:
- Forklifts
- Bulldozers
- Tractors
- Dump trucks
- Bob cats
- Caterpillars
- Flat bed trucks